Barcamper Ventures Lazio is an investment fund operating as a Parallel Fund to Barcamper Ventures. The investment strategy is to co-invest with the Main Fund whenever the target company meets specific characteristics; in particular, the company must have at least an office and operating activities in the Lazio region.

The fund currently holds a portfolio of seed and early stage companies and it has now ended its investment period. Barcamper Ventures now only makes follow-on investments in its portfolio companies.

Primo stampato nel cemento

Primo Capital SGR S.p.A.

20123 Milano (MI) - Piazza Borromeo, 14
Cap. Soc. € 500.000 i.v.

CF: 09168310960

P.IVA: 09168310960

Camera di commercio di Milano,
Numero R.E.A.: 2073779

Società iscritta all'Albo dei gestori di FIA al n. 151

Office locations

Viale Luigi Majno, 18 - 20129 Milano
